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Career Development and Soft Skill training for students

Marginalized rural and tribal youth in Attapadi and Idukki face several significant challenges, including high unemployment rates and a lack of guidance and motivation. The absence of permanent mentoring or career guidance facilities exacerbates these issues. As a response to this issue, Career development and soft skill training project was introduced in collaboration with EY-GDS which aims to offer soft skills training for graduates and career awareness sessions for high school/higher secondary students.

Additionally, one-on-one mentorship will be provided to help individuals navigate their career paths. To enhance accessibility, a local resource pool is created, consisting of individuals who will receive intensive training to conduct these sessions..The project is designed to reach a total of 4,500 beneficiaries over its duration, empowering them to improve their prospects and achieve their goals.

Implementation strategy

  • Curriculum development
  • Agreement with school Authorities
  • Imparting soft skills sessions for the graduates
  • career development sessions for the students
  • One on One mentoring for the students


Training of Trainers

To strengthen the local resource pool in career awareness and soft skills, comprehensive "Training of Trainers" sessions were conducted.. These engaging sessions incorporated games and activities to create a dynamic learning environment while reinforcing key concepts. Participants explored traditional career paths and emerging job market opportunities, equipping them to better guide their communities.

Identification and permission seeking from schools

Schools across Attapadi were identified as key venues for conducting career development sessions, recognizing their potential to reach a wide audience of young learners. Permission was sought from school authorities to facilitate these sessions, ensuring that they aligned with the educational goals of each institution. By collaborating with schools, the initiative aims to provide students with valuable insights into various career options , empowering them to make informed choices about their futures.

Curriculum Development

A separate curriculum has been developed specifically for high school and higher secondary school students to facilitate the career development sessions. This curriculum encompasses a comprehensive range of topics, including both conventional career opportunities and emerging, new-generation career paths. Additionally, it incorporates motivational elements designed to inspire students and encourage them to explore various career options. By addressing the diverse needs of students at different educational levels, the curriculum aims to provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their future careers, fostering a proactive approach to career planning and personal development.

Identification of trainers

In the process of identifying trainers for the upcoming career awareness sessions, individuals have been selected based on their demonstrated interest and skills in effectively handling such educational activities. These trainers will undergo comprehensive training on the curriculum to ensure they are well-prepared to deliver engaging and informative sessions. Additionally, before the official start of the career awareness programs in schools, demonstration classes will be conducted to provide the trainers with practical experience and feedback, further enhancing their readiness to lead the sessions.