Email Address
Phone Number
+91 8589991227
Our Location
Agali ,Palakkad-678581
The Covid- 19 pandemic which started all over the world in January 2020, started to gain strength in India in March 2020. The Government of India imposed a lockdown all over India from 23rd March 2020. The common people were exposed to untold suffering, due to Covid 19 infection on one hand and due to the lockdown restrictions on the other hand.
In Attappady, though the Covid 19 cases were very limited in number, the people experienced great difficulties due to loss of livelihoods, absence of wages and poor access to hospitals and other emergency services due to absence of public transport. Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission trust in association with Sevabharathi took up the responsibility of reaching urgent help to the general public.
A help desk was opened for the general public. The help desk phone number was publicised through social media and press. People called the help desk for urgent help for getting medicines, food, medical help and provisions. Food kits were also provided to people in quarantine and government officials who could not get food at their place of work. The help desk was lead by Ms.Anjali Suresh (Project Coordinator). The activity is enumerated below.
“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
Swami Vivekananda