The second wave of COViD was devastating both in the terms of spread and severity. Unlike the first wave, there was a massive spread in tribal hamlets which made the situation difficult to control in Attappady. The Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission is carrying out relief activities in various fields to help Attappady in the distress caused by the second wave of covid.The help desk, which was active during the first wave, was restarted. The desk received emergency calls from all parts of Attappady. Tele counselling service is also being provided by professional social workers to the needy who are COViD positive and living in quarantine. More than 1000 grocery and vegetable kits and 3000 masks were distributed. Patients on chronic medication were helped to get medicines from the hospital and pharmacies. Ambulance care was provided to patients requiring Covid testing and admission to Covid treatment centres. Along with that emergency medicine and psychiatric medicines are also distributed. The covid relief team works tirelessly to ensure that no one in need goes unnoticed.
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