Email Address
Phone Number
+91 8589991227
Our Location
Agali ,Palakkad-678581
Thadikundu tribal village is situated deep inside the forest in Pudur Panchayat. There are 42 families in the village. The village did not have toilets 4 years ago. When our social workers visited the village some families requested help in building toilets for their houses.
In 2017, Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission completed the construction of 3 toilets with help from students of Trivandrum International School. The other families also came forward to request help for building toilets. Mission workers tried to find support for this very basic need of the village. A project report was prepared and funding requests were made. Viswa Sevabharathi extended help for constructing the toilets. 40 toilets were completed and dedicated on 21st November 2020. The toilets were handed over by Sri S.Sethumadhavan ( Akhila Bharatheeya Karyakari Sadasyan , Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh). The meeting was presided over by Sri Mohan S.Nayar (Vice President, ViswaSevabharathi).