Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Launches Free Skill Development Centre in Idukki

Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission has inaugurated a free Skill Development Centre with the support of EY GDS. This Centre aims to provide skill development opportunities for tribals and other underprivileged individuals in the Idukki district of Kerala.
HPLC Machine for testing Sickle Cell Disease donated by Lekshmi – Suresh Gopi MP’s Initiative

HPLC Machine for testing Sickle Cell Disease donated by Lekshmi – Suresh Gopi MP’s Initiative HPLC Machine for testing Sickle Cell Disease was handed over by Sri Suresh Gopi (Actor and Ex-MP) on 09th June 2022. The machine waa sponsored as part of Lekshmi – Suresh Gopi MP’s Charitable Initiatives. The machine will be used […]
Freshwater Aquaculture Units

Freshwater Aquaculture Units In Attappady Intensive Training Completed 10 – days intensive skill up gradation training covering 150 farmers in March 2022 Demonstration unit Identified CRP. Set-up a 7×7 tarpaulin pond at CRPs plot for demo unit. Currently growing 500 fishes Exposure visit Conducted exposure visit at Malampuzha fisheries department and private farms in Kadambazhipuram […]
construction work is in progress

Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Hospital ഇതുവരെയുള്ള സേവനങ്ങൾ പ്രതിവർഷം 800 ലധികം രോഗികൾക്ക്ക് കിടത്തി ചികിത്സ പ്രതിവർഷം നൂറോളം പ്രസവങ്ങൾ പ്രതിവർഷം ഒ. പി. യിൽ 40,000 ത്തിൽ അധികം രോഗികൾക്ക് ചികിത്സ ഇ. എൻ. ടി./ഓർത്തോ വിഭാഗം ശസ്ത്രക്രിയകൾ പൂർണമായ ദന്ത ചികിത്സാ വിഭാഗം പ്രതിവർഷം 100 ലധികം ശസ്ത്രക്രിയകൾ ആദിവാസി വിഭാഗങ്ങൾക്ക് പരിപൂർണ സൗജന്യ ചികിത്സ Donate With in India Donate Outside India Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission, a […]
Malleeshwara Vidyanikethan School Pravesanolsavam 2021-2022

Malleeshwara Vidyanikethan School reopened on 2nd June 2021 for the academic year 2020-21 with a Praveshanolsavam (Welcoming Ceremony). Due to the ongoing COViD-19 lockdown restrictions, the ceremony was conducted virtually. The strength of the school has increased to 320 with more than 70 new students joining this year. Newly joined teachers and students were welcomed […]
Equipments donated to Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission hospital